Thursday, December 3, 2009

What sort of skin care regimen do you follow?

I am looking for some good advice. I am 26, and have almost always had oily skin--and prone to blackheads, pimples, etc. What do you use that works well for you? Anyone can answer, though people with oily skin I'd especially like to hear from.What sort of skin care regimen do you follow?
i have oily-combination skin. i wash my face with clinique when i wake up in the morning. i use a non-oily moisturizer with spf to wear under my make up. before i go to bed, i take off all my makeup and use those neutrogena disposable cloths. it works well. i don't use a moisturizer at night bc it would compound the oil problem. once a week i use a mud facial mask. it helps a lot with the acne. i use a biore blackhead stip every once in a while too.What sort of skin care regimen do you follow?
Look for products that say ';noncomedogenic'; on the label. Wash your skin once or twice a day with a gentle soap or acne wash. Try not to scrub or pick at your pimples. This can make them worse and can cause scars. If you have just a few pimples to treat, you can get an acne cream without a prescription. Look for one that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. These work best when used just the way the label says. It can take time to get acne under control. Keep using the same treatment for 6 to 8 weeks. You may even notice that it gets worse before it gets better. If your skin is not better after 8 weeks, try another product. A mix of treatments may work best. If you are female, taking certain birth control pills may help.

Examples of some over-the-counter products used to treat acne include:

Benzoyl peroxide (Benoxyl, Benzac, Clearasil), which unplugs pores.

Alpha-hydroxy acid, which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel. You'll find alpha-hydroxy acid in moisturizers, cleansers, eye creams, and sunscreens.

Salicylic acid (Clearasil, Propa pH, Stri-Dex), which dries up blemishes and causes the top skin layer to peel.

Tea tree oil, which kills bacteria. You'll find tea tree oil in gels, creams, and oils. Other products that may help your overall skin condition include skin pore-cleaning strips. When you peel these sticky strips off your skin, dirt and/or makeup is removed by the strip.

You'll have better results if you follow the directions for using topical medications. If you use a product too often, acne can get worse.
can't help you with the oiliness problem, i'm having that problem too! it sucks. though i'm finding using St. Ives Apricot Scrub Blemish Control twice a week is helping, and Clean and Clear's Sensitive Skin face wash doesn't break me out or anything. I haven't found a moisturizer that helps; for a while Olay's moisturizer for oily skin seemed to work but then it started breaking me out. What I always go back to is Cetaphil's facial moisturizer as it doesn't break me out but it gets greasy after a while.
I just splash warm water on my face first, then I put on life brand oil free cream cleanser (if you can afford it, you can also use noxema) and rinse it off with cold water at night but you can do this twice a day. In the morning I either wash my face in the shower with hot water or just splash cold water on my face. Too much soap strips your skin of moisture and dries it out.
Beauticontrol has skin care for 20s skin as well as a line called All Clear that works really great. The 20s line will balance the skin and the oiliness should go away. If you have acne issues, the All Clear will clean it right up. I use the line myself and I started selling it because it works so well.
Well I have both oily and dry skin i guess you could say. But what I do is I wash my face with a non-soap foaming cleanser (neutrogena) twice a day and if my skin happens to get dry I put moisterizer made for the face. I have acne so I'm very careful with what I do so I hope this helps!
I use it because my skin really needs it so i use alba botanica and now my skin is shining and i have no pimples or blackheads.
Anything natural or Oil of Olay.

Otherwise I do not smoke or drink I hjave a good sunscreen habit, eati healthy and exersise daily.
I use a product called bioelements. I works really good. It cost 80 dollars.
i use SHISEIDO. works great!!! but pricey

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