Thursday, December 10, 2009

How long does a new skin care regimen take to work?

I just started a new face wash routine about a week ago. So far I've actually gotten a few break outs. Is that normal? how long will it take to see some good results?How long does a new skin care regimen take to work?
Anything you apply on your skin (cream, cleanser, etc...) takes 28 days to work.

If you are not satisfied after the 28 days then it doesnt suit your skin.

If your break outs dont stop after 2 weeks (maybe its that time of the month) you should not continue.

Hope that helpsHow long does a new skin care regimen take to work?
It depends alot on what products you are using and what brand. I know after selling and using Avon products for a few years now, most results can show a difference in as little as 2 weeks and the most irritant I have experienced with them was a tingling and was told that means it was working. The tingling never lasted more than a few minutes. Hope this helps.
It is normal for your skin to react to something new. You are suppose to keep using it for up to 6 months because sometimes it will take that long for your skin/body to fully adapt to it and work itself out. Don't give up on it yet unless you start getting really terrible breakouts or rashes. Then of course stop its use. But give it time and hopefully it will work out! Good Luck!
It's normal to experience some ';issues'; when you start a new routine. You have to give it 3 months to see if it's going to make a difference.

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