Thursday, December 3, 2009

What kind of skin care routine should I do?

I went for a skin analysis the other day and the people there gave me a cover up kind of thing for my acne and a moisturizer for the rest of my face. I've used this for a week and nothing has changed.

I mostly get acne on my forehead and around my nose, and the rest of my skin is a bit dry. What kind of skincare routine should I do? Do you recommend any products?What kind of skin care routine should I do?
You should always use a cleanser, followed by a toner, and then a moisturizer twice a day. For the a.m., your moisturizer should contain an SPF, preferably 15. Then, you can follow with the acne cream, but only use it on your breakouts as directed by your doctor. Since your face is dry, but it also breaks out, you should use products made for combination skin.

I use Mary Kay, Creamy Cleanser, Toner, and Moisturizer for Combination Skin because my forehead and cheeks and chin breakout a lot, but the rest of my skin stays dry. This is the only brand that I use. I find that acne products really don't help with my acne, but a good skin care plan always helps.

Plus, good skin starts on the inside. So, be sure to eat well, drink plenty of water, take a multi-vitamin and workout daily. But always wash your face after working out. Getting enough rest also helps the skin.

Remember that good skin is an inside and outside job. I hope that the sources below help.What kind of skin care routine should I do?
It takes longer than a week to see results. Usually about a month.

But, you should exfoliate, if your skin is dry, than use the Sensitive Skin Apricot Scrub, cleanser with a cream cleanser, wear moisturizer with SPF 15 in it, and you could buy oil blotting papers to remove the oil that builds up during the day. Try to keep your hair out of your face as often as possible, and try to wear a minimum amount of make-up, and always remove it. Cleanser your face twice a day, and try to do it before 10 p.m @ night, because that's been proven to be the time that skin renews itself best, so you want it to be clean by than already. You could steam your face every night to remove all the dirt that build up in your pores during the day. You can boil a tea kettle (not for the full time, but just till the water starts bubbling) then pour the water in a bowl, put your head over the bowl and put a towel over your head to keep the steam in. This opens your pores, and you can cleanser right after it for extra clean skin. Again,it takes time to see results, so keep doing that for a month or so and you'll see a difference.
i recomend pro activ or neutrogena or st ives or clean and clear

at night, cleanse your face with one of the items listed above.

make sure it it a very good cleanser to clean it well.

after your doen apply a night ccream or moisturizer to sleep with it on

in the morning, wash face with hot water to open up pores,

then cleasne to get dirt out. (clean face with a gentle soapy cleanser)

then exfoliate, and finish by splashing face with cold water to close up pores.

wear an SPF moisturizer during the day to protect your skin from harmful UV rays.

once a week use a face mask, or steam yoour face

to steam your face just put boiling water in a bowl

lean your head over it for a while and it will

open pores and cleanse your face

dont wear a lot of makeup because it clogs pores and causes pimples (never ever pop or pick at pimples)

if you need makeup go for bare minerals its actually good and less harmful to your skin. and never sleep with makeup on.

take multivitamins(some vitamins that are good for the skin are vitamin E and silica)

and keep your diet healthy.

and lastly get lots of sleep and lots of water :)
Use the new stuff from Nuetrogena I forget the name of it but it makes you acne appear less red and is in a green bottle. You may want to use one of their microclear toners after this but that's up to you since the wash has micoclear in it. Also use their moisturizer for dry skin.
simple suplements

every second day and once every week steam your face to open your pours and put simple on it works really well
Apply raw egg whites on your face , leave on fore 15 minutes ,then wash with warm water.
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