Thursday, December 10, 2009

What should be my daily skin care regime?

I am 21 years old and barely use make-up; however; I want to start taking care of my skin. What products and in what order should I be using if my skin is combined? I tend to have acne around my forehead and chin but lately I have been developing them close to the jawbones and the neck.What should be my daily skin care regime?
Practicing a skin care regimen is one of the best ways to keep your skin looking its best. If you get in the habit of practicing your skin care regimen daily, you will get the best results and avoid skin problems like acne or dryness. A basic skin care regimen involves cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing.

Skin Care Regimen Step 1: Cleansing

The first step in your skin care regimen is making sure your skin is clean. Using a good face cleanser will allow pores to breath by ridding the skin鈥檚 surface of excess dirt and oil. Having clean skin will also allow you to apply makeup more smoothly when you wear it.

Skin Care Regimen Step 2: Exfoliating

Skin rebuilds itself by adding new layers of cells and shedding old ones. Sometimes the older skin cells can create a dry look on the surface and clog pores. Exfoliating is one step in your skin care regimen that does not need to be done every day in order to achieve good results. If you suffer from dry or sensitive skin, you should exfoliate only two to three times a week. Use a gentle face exfoliator to help remove dead skin cells.

Skin Care Regimen Step 3: Moisturize

Poor diet, the environment and your genes can all affect how much moisture your skin has at any given time. Keeping your skin hydrated is important in maintaining its appearance and health, and is a crucial step in your daily skin care regimen. Signs of premature aging like fine lines and wrinkles are signs that your skin is not getting enough moisture. Determine your skin鈥檚 needs, and then invest in a good moisturizer to use at night and during the day.

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