Thursday, December 3, 2009

What is the best way to market a start up skin care company?

I started a body/skin care company and we are gearing up to market our products to hopefully get picked up by some stores as well as some editorial or mentions in some of the larger beauty magazines. What is the best way to get the attention of beauty editors?What is the best way to market a start up skin care company?
get someone with a serious pizza face and spakle it all in til its smooth and tell people you product solved the problemWhat is the best way to market a start up skin care company?
Put your best face forward?

Network, Creativity, Network, Sales, Network, Follow up, Network, build relationships.

Big business is built much like a brick home, one block at a time with good craftsmanship and mortar. Creativity, Sales, Follow UP Skills, Relationships being the bricks, networking being the mortar that extends your capabilities.

I have found LinkedIn and Yahoo Groups in addition to traditional business presentations seems to be a natural component to creating new business.

We are creating resources for other business professionals to get started in online networking as well.. check out the start at鈥?/a>
Go to the Registrar Of Companies with your Memorandum Of Association and Articles Of Association.Then you will get a Certificate Of Incorporation....that means you are allowed to start way to get attention....go naked in frontof them n apply make-up all over your body.
1) Advertise in magazines, bilboards,etc. Make it good.

2) Tell the truth when advertising. No one likes a lier.

3) Be confident and always think it will work. Someone has to buy your product, right?
Free samples. Most magazines (for whatever their area of expertise is) evaluate products that are provided to them for that purpose from manufacturers. You may want to do a little market research locally first and see what the public thinks. A good report by an independent agency can help.

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