Thursday, December 10, 2009

What skin care products should i use for my skin?

Well i have these dots on my forehead and i do not know what to do with them, also i have a few pimples too.

What should i do to get these unwanted things gone from my forehead?What skin care products should i use for my skin?
ok huney i have suffered acne for almost hmm 5 years and ive been to the best doctors and ill tell u how i got rid of all my acne THANK GOD!

u can buy rocaateene pills!

or u can buy a soap called (betadeen ) the best soap recomended by the doctors

or u can true clearasil SCRUBING morning and night and the soap clearasil which made my face much better

stop applying makeup ,and buy a sunblock and stay away from dust or animals NEVER TOUCH ur face i wash my face like 4 times a day hope i helped hun and let me know about the resultsWhat skin care products should i use for my skin?
the best advice i can give you is it to somewhere like boots or debenhams and speak to one of the skin care staff, although i have never had spots i did use to have dry skin that peeled on my nose all the time after using several high street brands such as nuetrogena etc, i went to a clinique stand where they matched the skin care products to my skin and its amazing, i now even use their make up range too! Although the skin care products are slightly more than others they do last for months and in my opinion they are worth the price tag.
your eritrian? so am i!

use vasline it works for me!

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