Thursday, December 10, 2009

What are the best skin care products for people in their 20's?

I'm a 22 yr. old female and already starting to notice wrinkles around my eyes. My skin is also dry. Can anyone recommend a skin care product that works, but is also affordable?What are the best skin care products for people in their 20's?
Try something from Arbonne! The anti-aging line is great for dry skin!What are the best skin care products for people in their 20's?
If you are looking for home remedy to reduce wrinkles, try this.

Smear honey on your face and leave it for as long as possible (but 5-10mins a day will do). then rinse off with tepid water mixed with a teaspoon of cider vinegar - this has a neutral pH and will act as a toner.

And if you have some bucks, Lifecell anti wrinkle cream would be a good choice. You can have more information here.
I would say you work more hard on the homemade mask that will be ';free'; as you just take from your foods as ingredient , I have a few different types of homemade mask in my blog, should have some useful for you, you can take a look at http://antiaging-skin-care-tips.blogspot鈥?/a>

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