Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skin care?

my legs have recently become really dry, after a season of swimming [i was on varisty swim team for about 2 months]. any home remedies [like viatmens] or good creams that i can use?Skin care?
Well I use many home remedies. Particularly for my face I use a mask of honey (pure honey) when my skin gets dry and it works great! I would assume it would have the same effect on your legs. You could also use vitamin E or apply grapeseed oil to your legs, though it may be hard to find. Most advanced skin care stores should have it.

If all else fails use vaseline or a really good lotion. Good luck!Skin care?
I had really dry skin also and I read that for dry skin you should use oil (Not lotion) I tried it and it really worked. I found this on a great website with lots of tips. Check it out. Hope it helps you like it did me.
Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula leaves my skin feeling really soft and it's cheaper than the more expensive %26amp; popular lotion brands.
I use Keri advanced extra dry skin lotion. It works so well because it absorbs like seconds after you put it on. It's not scented and non irritant also.
i love alveno lotion!

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