Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is your favourite skin care product brand?

I am looking at getting a new skin care routine. I am in my mid 30's and have combination oily skin.What is your favourite skin care product brand?
I love Clinique 7 Day Scrub. I'm 23 and use to have pretty bad laugh lines, I used it for a couple of weeks now there gone and my skin looks great. I really scrubbed hard and for as long as I could stand it.What is your favourite skin care product brand?
You should try HYDRON.

I had dry skin until using Hydron. Their products absolutely Hydrate Your Skin and they have an amazing self-adjusting patented technology that creates an amazing younger looking skin feel and


I use their gentle cleansing creme, facial moisturizer and all over body moisturizer!

Appearance of wrinkles are diminished with their anti aging


There are so many different products to choose from PLUS you can probably try their oil control products like Anti bacterial facial cleanser or oil balancing toner.

hope this helps =)
Obagi Nu-Derm did wonders for me. I had some quite moderate - severe sun %26amp; age spots and Obagi took 'em off. It is not cheap, but it does the job... so I think it more than pays for itself.
There are several good product brands out there. Personally I would suggest Estee Lauder and if you can afford it go with La Mer.
Anew by Avon you should try their products

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