Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is the best skin care product for me to use?

I am 18 years old and trying to figure out what the best product to use is. My mother is always telling me ';take care of your face and neck. you dont want to end up all wrinkley like me';. she says to go ahead and start using lots of moisturizer. what is a good moisturizer or night cream or something to take an early approach to keeping young-looking healthy skin? something not too oily so it doesnt irritate acne? Something inexpensive i can get from like walmart or target but it still actually works?What is the best skin care product for me to use?
i noe where u can buy one from walmart and its great! its called PONDS dry skin cream. It leaves ur skin smooth and soft and not dry. it smells ok. and it last all day. u can wear makeup over it too. its under $10.00...and theyre are more PONDs moisturizer.hope i helped=]What is the best skin care product for me to use?
Well I used Biore'. It works pretty good for healthy skin and for young looking skin.

Then I used this product, Neutrogena and Acnefree for my acne, and it cleared my skin up. (It'll just take a while)
try anything from avon

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