Thursday, December 10, 2009

What is the best skin care products for a 24 year old?

I am trying to find a new face wash? What do you recommend?

Also, what steps should I be taking as a 24 year old wanting to prevent wrinkles? Any products you recommend?

I have seen the Cindy Crawford line ';meaningful beaty';... but am wondering if that line is thinking too far in advance and is not needed at my age. Please help.What is the best skin care products for a 24 year old?
Sadly, many if not most skin products, and particularly anti aging ones, are skin harming and skin aging and can cause severe irritation, even cause acne and worse.(confirm with a Google). Some have been pulled from market in France because of cancer causing concerns.

Anything that you simply apply to skin is going to help very little, if at all. And so many products`are ridiculously priced - so apart from aging and harming concerns they steal your money also!

I have had truly remarkable success with safe, natural treatments using only modest cost essential oils and massage. This permanently healed my skin conditions and gave me an unbelievably flawless, healthy, young looking and vibrant skin. Daily thorough massaging with oils feed skin essential beneficial nutrients.and even the first day you will see skin looking healthier and starting to glow.

Massaging tightens and firms and gives you a younger looking skin. Most importantly it exercises and conditions many of face (and some neck) muscles - thus combating weakening of muscles that eventually leads to sagging and wrinkling and lines. I give precise instructions how to best massage in my many other answers.

Massage using a forward and back motion using finger tips and front and sides of fingers depending where on face you apply it. Circular motion is less effective. In a few days skin will visibly tighten, look and feel smoother and healthier.

I can send you testimonials from users who swear by the treatment. Use any oil. I had great success with olive oil.

Review some of my other answers for specific proven anti aging remedies that lessen and greatly prevent wrinkles and lines, crows feet, etc

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into safe, natural treatments and cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments.What is the best skin care products for a 24 year old?
Your major challenges are staying out of the sun, especially since you're hitting the age where melasma becomes a problem, and keeping your skin hydrated.

I'd suggest using the Dove moisturizing cleanser and facial moisturizer. Put moisturizer on your skin both before you get ready in the morning and before you go to bed at night. When you take a shower or wash your face, pat the excess moisture off, but then work in your moisturizer to capture that water that soaked into your skin.

If you need color in your skin, still use a strong SPF on your face and stay away from both the sun and tanning spas. Use a tinted moisturizer instead, plus a subtle bronzer. Sun is the enemy of skin and is the quickest way to get wrinkles and permanent skin damage. When I was 42 and went to my 25 year HS reunion, it was shocking to see how utterly old and saggy so many of the ';sun goddesses'; from HS looked. I was stuck listening to all the horror stories of skin cancer, Botox and laser treatments. There were a dozen of us who were constantly told how young we looked. Strangely, we all had the same tanning and lots of moisturizer. Think about it.

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