Thursday, December 3, 2009

Skin care?

is there any home remedy to have clearer skin. i have whiteheads on my nose and my pores looks big..this makes my skin look uneven. even my complexion is uneven, is there anything i can do? any facial mask?Skin care?
wash your face with lots of water every day!Skin care?
wash face before you sleep and after you wake- up.
To get a softer and smoother skin, this is what helps me.

1. Stop using all skincare products

2. Before I rinse my face with regular tap water, I use Evian ( bottled spring water) . I pour it on the cupped palm of my hand and just sort of smear it all over my face.. I use 2 bottles of Evian water ( one for each side of my face). I follow that by simply rinsing my face with regular tap water. I then use the 3rd bottle of Evian and again I smoothe it over my face just because it makes it so soft. After that I pat my face dry. I find that Evian water actually helps to cleanse and soften the skin, which I could never achieve by using tap water only.
Sometimes a simple skin care routine needs to be kicked up a notch.

A simple process that revitalizes your skin and improves your overall appearance only takes a few minutes to complete, so why not try this one? You won鈥檛 regret it.

1. Start out by moistening and warming up 2 face towels in the microwave. They shouldn't be hot, but they should definitely be warm to the touch. Set them aside.

2. Splash some warm water on your face and massage a small amount of liquid skin cleanser into your face and neck in easy, small circles. This will get rid of the top layer of grime and buildup and get your face ready for the next step in cleaning. Rinse the cleanser completely away with warm water.

3. Apply a thin layer of an exfoliation product to your skin. A face scrub containing Glycolic and Salicylic Acids is ideal for deep cleaning skin and follicles. Lay one of the warm towels over your face and take a seat for five minutes. This will open up pores and allow the scrub to really get in there and do its job. Now, take the towel off and gently rub for a few minutes more to complete the exfoliation process. If necessary, reapply scrub if too much has already been washed away. Rinse with warm water.

4. Take the other towel and place it over your eyes for a few minutes to reduce puffiness and redness.

5. Remove the towel, and finish up your Deep Cleaning by applying an alcohol-free toner or aftershave lotion on your face and neck, then massaging an oil-free moisturizer in afterwards.
Yes, there are. You need to find a facial mask recipe. There is a good one for 2 masks below. They do work.
The products from Zenmed are of very high quality and generally do what they claim they will. I highly recommend Zenmed products.

I am glad to receive Zenmed product as gift, it has worked great and I will order again from them. Happy to find an affordable acne treatment that really works. Acne is preventable, and Zenmed can help you stop it!
There are LOTS of home remedies you can use. Fruit acids- (they are natural alpha hydroxy acids)- would be the best starting point. The strongest are grapefruit, lemon, lime and orange juice. You can add crushed plain aspirin- (it's a natural beta hydroxy acid) which will also help with the blemishes and tightening the pores. Then add a bit of fresh rosemary which is a known healing herb along with fresh sage or marjoram.

Once you make the basic recipe you can adapt it to make a scrub my adding some baking soda or epsom salts.

Steam your face first to really open the pores before using the scrub and toner.

Remember to drink lots of water- it really does help the skin keep hydrated which in turn makes it healthier and gives your skin a healthier appearance.

Here are some other natural skin care recipes to try:鈥?/a>
Try using witch hazel. It can really help whiteheads, but it's not too harsh. And it's cheap.
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