Monday, November 30, 2009

How do you start off in skin care?

After high school what drgrees do you go to collge for and once obtain what do you do then? What are the overall years of becoming a demertologist?How do you start off in skin care?
dont use commercial prodcuts.

here are some natural remedies

alovera staright from the plant

-lemon juice on a cotton ball as an astrigent

-rose water as an astrigent

-steam your face with a teabag submerged in hot water

-bring two sprigs of fresh basil to the boil with a cup of water, steam face, and when cool, use as a toner

-apply honey to the spot as an overnight treatment

-toothpaste on any large pimples overnight

-bit of yoghurt as a mask

-blend oatmeal, honey and rose water , use as a mask


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