Monday, November 30, 2009

What skin care treatment works the best?

I have a little bit of acne. I tried proactive and it did not work. I want to know wat acne wash or skin care treatment works the fastest to clear your skin and leave your skin acne free.What skin care treatment works the best?
Well neutrogena has always worked for me because it has salicylic acid in it..Or go to you dermatologist and they can prescribe a retinal for youWhat skin care treatment works the best?
Hey! We've tried so many things and a lot of it hasn't worked, but then we came across this for acne:

';Egg';celent Beauty

1. 1 egg yolk separated from egg whites. (your going to use both)

2. Beat whites until frothy

3. Add water to beated yolk until slightly transparent

4. Add milk to yolk mixture. (until seen through yolk)

5. Spread egg whites over face in 2 or more coats. (more is best)

6. Wait 10 minutes for hardening on face.

7. Wash it off with moderalty warm water

8. Dab face dry with dry, soft, smooth washcloth.

9. Repeat steps 6 through 8 with yolk mixture using 3 or more coats.

*Tips:Listening to music helps time pass faster. This can also be used as a face wash to make your face very smooth.

**Tips: Putting face in cold air helps harden faster, but still keep on as long

Hope this helps,

Rose and Taylor
You should read this article about naturally maintaining your skin beauty or regaining it if you have damaged the skin.鈥?/a>

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