Saturday, November 28, 2009

What brand of skin care products do you use?

And do you use them twice a day? Would you prefer to be using something else, that might be a little bit beyond your budget? Or do you think it really doesn't matter what you use, just as long as you use it?What brand of skin care products do you use?
Soap, water and Edge shaving cream are my facial regime.What brand of skin care products do you use?
I personally prefer and highly recommend Aveeno. It's such a gentle line of products so it works well with my dry skin. I use their Skin Brightening daily scrub in the morning along with their Positively Radiant moisturizer with spf 30 and at night I wash with their Clear Complexion creme cleanser.

I've tried several other products both expensive and cheap, none of them have done for me what Aveeno has done for me.

I don't think the price of the product matters but what's in it, your skin type and how the product reacts to your skin is very important.
I use Proactiv however Im thinking about the new skin id. I like proactiv it works but my skin is to dry right now and it is only drying my skin out more. Im only using it once a day because of the dry skin but I have used it twice a day everyday.
i use Clean%26amp;Clear Morning burst in the morning.

And at night i use Neutrogena Grapefruit stuff.

I don't think price matters all that much, but it really depends how your skin is affected by it.
Clearasil Pads in the morning.

Proactiv at night.

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