Saturday, November 28, 2009

What skin care product would you recommend for 12 to 15 year olds who have acne and black heads?

Which skin care product is the best such as Neutrogena, Biore, or Pro Activ. I was also wondering if The Wave really worked because I've heard good and bad things about it.What skin care product would you recommend for 12 to 15 year olds who have acne and black heads?
Neutrogena ALL thee way!!! I have the Wave, it works AMAZINGLY. My skin is SOOOO soft after. I definitely recommend it because it is only 12 dollars! After though, make sure you use a toner to remove all the dirt and make-up after washing your face, you'd be amazed about how much is still on after washing your face. Finally, use a moisturizer with an SPF of 15. This will protect your skin from the very harmful sun and keep it feeling soft all day. Do these procedures twice a day and you'll skin will be awesome. Make sure you exfoliate your skin with an exfoliater, do not use Apricot Scrub because it contains shells which wear away your skin layers. Use something with gentle beads, make sure to exfoliate because our skin sheds every 7 days and if you don't clean it away, it will clog your pores.

Hope to Help and good luck! =]What skin care product would you recommend for 12 to 15 year olds who have acne and black heads?
the best product for acne are clear pores and aloe vera Report Abuse

I have tried almost everything on the market, like the brands you listed, and none have worked as well as ProActiv. I love it. All you have to do is once in the morning once at night...every day though. If you skip a day or two you're likely to have a mild-bad breakout. So keep up with it. The refining mask is included now for the first time you order and it works WONDERS. I have no more blackheads and my forehead, which is where my acne was the worst, is clear. I LOVE this stuff, and I'd recommend it to anyone. The wave, my friend has that, and she has to use clinical acne medicine with it because she continues to get bad breakouts...honestly I think it's different with everyone, but me and another one of my friends both use ProActiv and we swear by it. The price is worth it.
It's important to wash your face often. about 3 times a day. If you sweat a lot durring the day, running around, or playing sports, or working outside, you should wash your face as soon as your done. You should cleanse and use toner in the am and pm. . If you are having a lot of break-outs try using organic skin care products. They are less harsh on the skin and are not forcing you skin to battle the chemicals you are using on your face. Try break-out buster from Thay have very good products. Also some sun can help to dry up acne. Be careful to use at least a 15 spf. Facials would also be a great help.
It's a good thing you specified your age range. What you currently have may not be very bad as you see it, but there's always a ';calm before the storm'; prior to breakouts. Also, that age you're in now falls within that phase when pimples are at their prime.

One thing you shouldn't be without right now is PATIENCE. It's a big deciding factor on whether your efforts to battle zits and blackheads, current and future, will be successful.

It's also a good thing that, this early, you're already conscious about your skin issues. This will enable you to nip the problem in the bud.

It feels great to find a place like this that serves as a channel for sharing knowledge, experiences, and anything else that goes with coping with an acne-stricken life. What besets us all may be something really common, but never simple.

I look forward to a fruitful interaction with everyone here, and it's a pleasure to join hands with you in our battle with the zit.

I have an acne-related blog that's a work-in-progress where you might pick a thing or two from. Do check it out at:

Best regards %26amp; happy zit-busting to all,

If you know something works well on acne, please post it on This is a website designed for women to find the best skin care products according to each individual's skin profile. What works well on oily skin might be too strong for sensitive skin, and vice versa.

It is a new website. If you like the site, please spread the word. Then we can all benefit from the inputs from all of us.

Here is the link:
i recommend Clearasil ultra to treat acne and black spots. during the summer, use a lot of sun block and protect your skin at all times. if you have sensitive skin, don't try the wave because it is known to cause irritation on sensitive skin due to the ingredients it uses.
You are really done very well on searching skin care products. But especially for acne and black heads, its recommeded to treat from a specialist who you know very well through TV programs. Visit to become acne free easy and asap.

Thank me later.
clearisil, pick the blue shiny box. For $20 it is a full system, face wash, toner, and lotion with a bonus spot treatment. It works great!

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