Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is a really good skin care product for oily and blemished skin?

i have been struggling with my skin since 4th grade and its still not that great. How do I have flawless skin?

PS: Soon!What is a really good skin care product for oily and blemished skin?
I was totally in your position. I had really bad skin since about the sixth grade right up through my senior year in high school. Whenever I complained about it my doctor would say it was a teenage thing, not a big deal and I'd grow out of it. Finally, before I went to college, I went to a dermatologist who prescribed some helpful drugs that cleared my skin right up!

If you've had bad skin for awhile and over the counter products aren't working then go to a dermatologist. They really can work wonders.

Hope this helps.What is a really good skin care product for oily and blemished skin?
I used witch hazel after having an allergic reaction to Oil of Olay warming face scrub. Since I started using it, I have not had a breakout and all of my blemishes are disappearing! You seriously should try it. It is all natural and will not dry out your skin either. Report Abuse

Proactiv is really good - expensive - but good. I've heard Clearasil is good too if you just can't afford Proactiv. Also, regular, everyday bathroom cabinet products such as witch hazel and antibacterial soap work well too. Report Abuse

What I *DO NOT* suggest is the use of prescriptions, unless your acne is extremely severe. This is due to the fact that the drugs used to treat acne have been clinically proven to cause users to become sterile (unable to produce children) with prolonged use. Report Abuse


I used to have very oily and very blemished skin. Then I used proactiv, and omg, it seriously changed my life! After using it for a very short period of time my skin improve drastically. I also used their Oil Control lotion and since then, I have had very little problems with oily skin. I am now 25 years old and I hardly ever break out anymore. After I got my skin under control with Proactiv, I began using Philosophy's ';makeup optional'; skin kit for blemished skin. I have been using that for about 6 months now and my skin is better than ever. I also switched to Bare Minerals makeup b/c I think it allows my skin to ';breathe'; a lot better than some other products.

In sum, you should definitely get proactiv and also get the Oil control lotion.
Ok, I know alot of ppl say it doesn't work, but Proactiv saved my skin. It was really bad, but it's so much better now. Just give it a try, it doesn't work for everyone...

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