Monday, November 30, 2009

What are the best skin care and hair care regimines when preparing for wedding?

I am not getting married until next year so I have a while but I would like to start now and keep it up.What are the best skin care and hair care regimines when preparing for wedding?
Try to do mircoderm abrasion once or twice a week.... you can get a set at a drug store for around $40-55 . I sell mary kay and they have a set thats about $55. I love it and works wonders!What are the best skin care and hair care regimines when preparing for wedding?
a healthy glow begins from within! drink lots of water, get plenty of sleep, keep your eating habits reasonably healthy, physical activity is key.

i really do prefer oil of olay products, reasonably priced and they do well for me. even though i am in my late 50's i often have people stop me and ask me what i use for my skin. all i use is the oil of olay soap and every second night or so i use their moisturizer on my face.

one thing i am religious about is my feet - because we go barefoot most of the time our heels get quite rough so i use a pumice stone and every night i put lanolin on my feet at bedtime, and an old pair of cotton sox. as for my hands, lanolin every night.

my hair - i use a good quality shampoo and conditioner and whenever i think it feels dry i do a really disgusting thing - i put mayonaise in my hair, cover it with a plastic shower cap and leave it for ten-fifteen minutes, then into the shower for a good hairwash! it works! i rarely use a hair dryer, or any hair products other than shampoo, conditioner, and mayonaise. simple, inexpensive, and i look pretty friggin' healthy for an old girl! lol

try it for a bit and if it doesn't work, try something else - but the most important things are the first paragraph!

have a great day kiddo!
what I have been doing...I started seeing a dermatologist (I don't have bad acne- just some break outs I'd like to control better) and I started to see my stylist every 2 weeks for a deep conditioning treatment for my hair (it is most comfortable when a frizzy mess!)

my skin and hair are definitely more healthy- one less thing to worry about!
i have been told just drink alot of water for your complexion. and try not to ware liquid cover up foundations if at all possible then clog up pours.

do a hot oil treatment on hair about ever 3 mths to keep it mosturized and soft,
  • celebrity hair
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