Saturday, November 28, 2009

How to know that the skin care product is suitable for your skin?

I'm 15 years old Asian teenager.

I want to know that how to know that skin care product like cleanser, scrub or else is suitable for skin.

Can someone tell me if that skin care product is not suitable for the skin, what will happen.

Does St.Ives Apricot Scrub suitable for teenagers?How to know that the skin care product is suitable for your skin?
omg! i have that exact same problem... i don't really know how you can tell if something is suitable for ur skin but i know St.Ives Apricot Scrub does NOT work for me. I had been using it off and on for about 10 months and i realized my pimples just wouldn't clear away, especially after i used it. so... i stopped using it for a week and all my pimples went down to tiny size and u can hardly see them anymore. y don't u try stopping it for a week and if it gets better, its not for you.How to know that the skin care product is suitable for your skin?
Hi there,

I am a cosmetic scientist and I developed a website that helps people find the right skin care products for their skin type.

check out:

to get product recommendations from real people like you who have a similar profile

Ron Robinson, Founder Report Abuse

Whatever you do, DO NOT use st. Ives.

It may get your skin nice and smooth, but over time.. those harsh apricot grains will take a toll and you may end up with pivets and scars. Report Abuse

Using natural ingredients for skin care gets good results. Helping your skin without aggravation will allow the skin to stay young and fresh as the years go on. Aloe vera skin care has always been used for centuries discover the truth about aloe vera skin care. Report Abuse

i use clearasil oil free acne wash, it's gentle, smells fresh, and my friends, of all ethnicities are able to use it with no problems and their skin looks great. scrubs can be okay too, as long as it's not harsh on your skin. the best way to find what works for you is through trial and error. try something, if it doesn't work for you, try something else.

If your skin is just oily or if your skin breaks out. If it is just oily you need a skincare system that is for oil control and if it has frequent breakouts then you need one to control that. Also, it is important to make sure your using skincare that is always the same brand. They are made to work together and if you use different brands together your not going to be happy with the results. It is important to start taking care of your skin while you are young. If you start something now it becomes habit and you will always do it. Then as you age you will not have all the aging issues that the ones who didn't start young have.

Go to and look at the skincare. If you have any questions you can contact me.

hope this helps
I regularly use face wash and cream and I would always go for products made from natural sources such as fruit and herbs.

The general rule is don't buy something that have too much unidentifiable substances/chemicals in its ingredients!

Also try products that have the same pH value as our skin (neutral). Seba-Med is one good example!

If you have sensitive skin condition, always get help from your local dermatologist.
For teenagers, you can just use miho bio foam, miho skin lotion and miho spot touch (to dry up any pimples when it popped up). Do it daily and your skin will be well maintained.

Ceck out the link as they also sell trial size before you commit to big bottles. Only available online and not sold in any departmental stores. Highly recommend.
The first thing you need to do before finding the right skin care product for you finding what type of skin type you have. Most products target several individual skin types: oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, acne-prone skin and combination skin.

Here is an easy guide for that. It will tell you all you need to know to choose the best skin care product.鈥?/a>
try it on a couple of days and see if it helps
not sure but srubing too much at young age isnt good...
Well I learned through trial and error. Your face will react to any thing you put on your face. Mine usually burns. I use a sensitive skin cream line. It 15, I think that Niva should be good for you. I wouldn't use a scrub at your age. Scrub creams are more for older skin types ....good luck
It should say on the bottle what it was intended for, don't use leg cream on your face, don't use nail cream on your legs, etc. use face cream on the face, leg cream on the legs etc. I'm not 100% sure if this is the answre you were asking for, but i hope it helps! :)
No, that stuff irritates my skin and I am in my forty's,Mary Kay products have a line of skin products for teens,try looking into those.My sons girlfriend uses them and she has the prettiest clean looking skin.

(Many blessings)
Yes St. Ives Apricot Scrub is suitable for every age group. I like this web site they have all types of skin care on it and it works really well.

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