Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the best skin care advice?

What is the BEST skin care advice that you've ever received to clear up acne? The best products, the best home remedies, the best daily activities, I want to know them all! Thanks so much to everybody in advance. What is the best skin care advice?
Besides washing your face morning and night (no sleeping in make-up!), toning, and moisturizing, the best advice I had was to see a dermatologist. I was given a prescription that cleared up my skin problems (acne during pregnancy) like a charm.

The best ';trick'; I ever heard of was for a spot treatment. Pure tea tree oil applied with a cotton swab. Hold it on the blemish until it starts to feel cold (a good 60 seconds). If you do this at night, it will dry up by morning, but the bump might still be there. Careful though, this can be very drying. Only apply it to the blemish.

What is the best skin care advice?
The best skin advice I can give is go natural. Find products without chemicals and you'll be fine.. Stay away from products with parabens added. They are chemical preservatives that don't need to be in your products. They are suspected of causing cancer. Vitamin E is a safer preservative. Report Abuse

Don't fall for those flashy, shiny products that smell good and look cool. You need something simple to get the job done.

I use a daily cleanser called Cetaphill, they make it for dry skin, oily skin and normal skin. I kid you not that it cleared up my face over night. My sister had a terrible acne problem and it was cleared in about a week with this stuff. It was recommended to me by my dermatologist, so it's legit. It's a little more expensive than some, its runs about $8-$10, but it is more than worth it. It comes in a cleanser or actually face wash form, and it works wonders!
My best skin care advice for acne would be to use all three steps of Proactiv. I've been using Proactiv for about 3 years and as long as I am consistent with it, it keeps my skin clear.

Please note: No matter what acne product you decide to use, be sure to keep your skin moisturized, otherwise it will dry out. I like to use the green tea moisturizer from Proactiv. In my opinion, it's one of the best moisturizers out there. It goes on thin and it's definitely not oily.

For home remedies, I have heard that egg whites work quite well. They do a great job at tightening up your skin. Again, be sure to keep your skin moisturized.

Finally, I have heard that it's a good idea to eliminate milk from your diet. A lot of people are claiming clear skin after only a week simply by eliminating milk.

Also, daily activities should include some from of exercise for at least a half an hour. This will keep you solid. Breathing exercises are great also.

You can check out more info here
try raw/organic honey for natural home remedy.

or try ClearPores :)


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