Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is the best skin care medication for acne while pregnant?

I've never broke out this much for so long and not been able to get rid of it in my life!!! Now all of a sudden the skin care product I've always used isn't working. Any suggestions?What is the best skin care medication for acne while pregnant?
Just a little information...

Proactiv contains the ingredient benzoyl peroxide; however, you're not supposed to use stuff with benzoyl peroxide in it while you are pregnant.

I know that Wal-Mart and Walgreens carry other cheaper brands that are knock-offs of the Proactiv solution, but most of them contain benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Salicylic acid is also on the list of things to avoid in a face wash when you're pregnant!

A friend of mine was breaking out really bad while she was pregnant with her daughter; she asked her doctor about it and he prescribed her something (sorry, I don't know the name of it).

Basically, if you can't find anything that works for you, ask your doctor at your next visit!

Hope this helps!What is the best skin care medication for acne while pregnant?
Try St. Ives Medicated Apricot Scrub that worked also and anything by Neutrogena.
If you鈥檙e looking for accurate acne information, best to see a dermatologist. Some people believe doctors are predisposed to take the easy way to deal with acne鈥?prescription drugs. But, with many, this simplistic answer may not be the appropriate course of action. Some feel that such prescription drugs just treat the symposium and not the underlying cause. But, a local dermatologist is still your best starting point.

For me personally, I discovered a great informational acne treatment site. Not only is there good information/articles but I got their audio e-book and following it鈥檚 advice can now say that my acne is a thing of the past! Keep in mind, were all different and there are various types of acne, so what works for some may not be totally effective for all.

Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck.

Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:




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