Monday, November 30, 2009

What care should a 40 Year old take interms of skin care and looks to look a bit more younger?

I prefer normal indian style. fashionable but elegant and decent. What kind of makeup should be used ? Not very complicated please.What care should a 40 Year old take interms of skin care and looks to look a bit more younger?
its better if u used a soft delicate soap for ur skin.apply a little of soft moisturising lotion on ur hands %26amp; neck.DO NOT USE A FAIRNESS CREAM.apply a very mild colored lip not use mascara or kajal.instead us an eye liner.these will make u look beautiful and soft.What care should a 40 Year old take interms of skin care and looks to look a bit more younger?
I am a makeup artist. I can advise you thru. email. Please mail me details about your skin colour, complexion, shape of face, personality etc. My email address is
Skin health is more important than the right make up.

I take a product called Max GXL, it helps keep my skin healthy and slows the aging process. If you want to check it out go to this site.

Take Care
Moisturise, of course!

Then I think a light foundation/tinted moisturiser evens out skin tone and makes you look younger. Also highlught the corners of your eyes. The purplish skin in the corner of your eyes can be very ageing. Use a concealor to brighten up dark areas.

Keep the makeup light. A pink toned blush looks youthful too,
  • celebrity hair
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