Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the best skin care line you have tried?

Prefer department store or spa brands. I am in my late 20's with sensitive skin and blackheads so I need a good exfolient.

I have used Lancome and haven't found it that great for me and now I have been using Aloette but it just isnt' doing it for me anymore.What is the best skin care line you have tried?
What works for me is Clinique. It is more recommended by Dermatologists, and is more for sensitive skin types. They have good, but gentle exfoliators, a few to choose from. Moisturizer should have a sun screen in it.What is the best skin care line you have tried?
I only use Clinique and it has been wonderful for my skin.The three step, exfoliating scrub,15 min facial and Superdefense are what I recommend trying.
I also have sensitive skin and I have been using Mary Kay for 10 years. I like it so much two years ago I decided to start selling it. It is a quality product from a high integrity company and is back with a 100% guarantee.

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