Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is the best skin care product on the market?

My skin seems to be acting up a little bit due to the weather. I have fairly normal skin, not excessively oily or dry. What's the best product to keep away blemishes? I wash my face everyday in the shower with Wet and Wild skin care, but that's obviously not working. Thanks!What is the best skin care product on the market?
if you want something form a drugstore buy clean and clear continuous control cleanser with the clean and clear advantage oil-free moisturizer. another thing you can do is go with all natural cleansers. try zyporex, its all natural and just for acne. it gives you a really clean feeling. natural can be the best thing because it doesnt contain harsh chemicals that can irritate your face rather than help.What is the best skin care product on the market?
I like all natural skin care products. Chemicals are not good for our skin or our bodies. Report Abuse

This can be quite a common problem, especially if you work outdoors as well. Aloe vera has been used for centuries and because of the natural healing elements within the plant which is you can discover more about at especially helps sunburn. Report Abuse

What i use is called PCA is the BEST!! You have to get it through a cosmetologist or a dermatologist though...but within a month my face was completely clear...i had tried so many things like pro-activ, clean and clear, neutrogena and nothing worked...this stuff is spectacular...i actually get compliments on my skin now...
aveeno skin relief mosturizing lotion its new its really good u wotn find anything bettter

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