Saturday, November 28, 2009

What is the best skin care regimen for acne?

Keep in mind that I've already tried AcneFree, Proactive, Retinol, Clearasil and Neutrogena and nothing has worked for my skin.What is the best skin care regimen for acne?
Topical Erythromycin, or Clindamycin. Use a toner with Salicylic acid. You still need to use a mild moisturizer as dry skin can cause acne break outs. If skin is oily, use Glycolic acid soap prior to anti-acne cream application. is the best skin care regimen for acne?
prescription: accutane
I have absolutely no confidence i nanything but a dermatologist Everything else is a scam or provides a littlehelp only for those with the mildest forms of occasional acne It leaves business wide open since people dont go to the doctor and find OTC and mail order stuff can be sold to these people who just think may be the next one will work. Prescription only stuff really works Once scarring has occurred there may be someother high tech things like laser etc but those things are not covered by insurance and are way expensive So do yourself a favor see the MD if possible the specialist in these problems A dermotologist. Eat well, etc is good for your general health but for ACNE? All other advice is spurious.
Dietary Advice from our Readers

Raw Green Veges for 3 Days

3/28/2007: Linda Phillips from Phoenix, AZ writes: ';I am in my late 50s and have endured mild to moderate acne my entire adult life, until several months ago when I vowed to find the cause and end my frustration. It was clear to me that this was not hormone-caused acne of teenagers, but a reaction of my body to something. I know that I am sensitive to soap, shampoos, conditioners, etc so have avoided these products as much as possible. But the key for me was diet. I went back to the basics and ate only raw green vegetables and drank only filtered water for 3 days. I noticed an immediate improvement in my skin. I then very gradually added back foods, starting with only natural food such as fruits, nuts, grains, beans, vegetables. I avoided anything processed or foods which may contain hormones (meat or dairy). I discovered that I am sensitive to anything enriched with vitamins (white flour, white rice, breakfast cereals, some pasta, etc.) This is an unusual sensitivity but I firmly believe that acne that persists beyond the teenage years is caused by a senility to something and that no topical treatment is as effective as finding the cause and eliminating it. This method may be helpful to others who want to find the cause of sensitivity acne. I wash my face with only tepid water, use no products on my face, and use Shikai brand shampoo which contains no sodium lauryl sulfate. I am elated to have clear healthy skin for the first time in my life.';

Eliminate Coca Cola

3/20/2007: Roy Morris from Mississauga, Canada writes: ';Stop drinking coke! I have had terrible acne since grade 6, and recently i stopped drinking coke. My entire face has almost cleared, and my body is starting to heal. It has been the biggest change i have ever had. Also less or a natural cure, the clinique product line drys out the skin the fastest of any product i have used. Currently I am 1st year university and have tried almosty everything, but eliminating coke, and using the clinique product line has helped immensly.';

Eliminate Caffeine

Mary Jo, from St. Louis, MO writes, ';Deciding to give up caffeine was one of the best choices I've made in a long time! After just one week without any, my face has not ';caught on fire'; even once, and no significant breaking out. Instead of coffee or colas, I drink chamomile, dandelion, and red raspberry leaf (with a pinch of angelica) in teas, using honey or beet sugar to sweeten. Now that I have found this great site, I'll be trying some of the natural remedies recommended here! Much thanks to everyone.';

Eliminate Dairy

12/29/2005: Bibi, from Fairhope, AL writes, ';Eliminate dairy foods from your diet if you want to clear away acne.';

Eliminate Corn Syrup

Eric, from Charleston, WV writes, ';Since avoiding ';all'; foods that have ';high-fructose corn syrup'; or fructose/sucralose, I have had no breakouts. I also avoid milk and opt for USDA organic yogurt. High fructose corn syrup is in everything. I strongly believe that eliminating it along with milk and chocolate/sweets will help.';

Eliminate the Junk Food!

9/11/2006: Jose form Canoga Park, CA writes, ';i do a lot of sports and i try not to eat cheese and chips, chocolate and all the junk food. Eliminating the junk will cure acne and make your life easier. Try it, it will work, trust me.';

Drink Fresh Carrot Juice

Tony, from Toronto writes, ';I notice drinking pure carrot juice everyday works to clear acne.. Also eating/drinking watermelon juice does the same... Now I incorporate these two fruits into my diet for healthy looking skin...';

Make Sure You Are Regular!

10/9/2005: Lisa, from Fairview, OR writes, ';A REAL ACNE CURE I've had acne since I was 12. I'm now 26 and it still plagues me. I've tried everything to get rid of it. While acne can have many causes, I believe that most acne occurs when the body is too toxic from elimination problems. A healthy person should have 2-3 easy bowel movements each day. If not, the system backs up, and eventually waste products have to come out the only way they can--through the skin. This can cause acne. So if you want to attack acne at the source, start taking fiber! Get yourself regular. Every time I have gotten myself regular, my skin has cleared, and when I start feeling blocked up, my face breaks out. It makes sense!';


8/23/2006: Alex from Nampa, Idaho writes, ';I completely cut Dairy from my diet. My acne was clearing up dramatically just after a few weeks. My breakouts were minimized by over half. But i was still breaking out at times. I cut all fast food from my diet, or anything that has lots of oils and non natural fats in them. i stopped my intake of soda pop, candy etc.

I now eat a lot of fruits, vegetables (salad is great) and i drink at least one glass of green tea a day. My breakouts have gone down so dramatically and it's so amazing, it's all in diet. Not everyone has a strong body to fight off toxins, so you MUST take care of your body. The average diet of today is so horrible. I'm only 20 and i know this, everyone should know this. Actually i think everyone does know it. They just don't care anymore and enjoy fast food cause of the easiness, and taste. But i tell you what, once you cut it out, you soon learn to love the taste of these great foods that god put here for us. To the point where fast food just sounds like poison, cause that is all that it really is!!';


acv#1: Apple Cider Vinegar

27 Yea 3 Nay

2/9/2007: Ashley (ashley.bruton[at] from Fayeteville, NC writes, ';I have suffered from acne for as long as I can remember. I recently started applying ACV before bed and my acne is completely gone, my pores are much smaller and my skin looks so much healthier. I only apply it at night because I don't dilute it and it has a strong odor. I would highly recommend everyone to at least try this...what do you have to lose?';


4/2/2006: Corrine from Arlington, V A writes, ';I read a blog on the internet about aspirin masks. I tried it and it is unbelievable! My skin looks and feels amazing after just one mask. If you can find aspirin powders, that works best, otherwise plain aspirin will do the trick as well. I emptied 2 aspirin powders in the palm of my hand with a little calamine lotion (just enough to make a creamy paste) and applied to my face in a circular motion and let dry (approx. 5-10 mins.) I then added a little water and and again massaged in a circular motion and then rinsed it all off. A great exfoliator and it worked BETTER than any store bought product I've ever bought! (Aspirin contains salicylic acid which is in a lot of acne products) It also immediately got rid of the redness my skin is prone to having--AMAZING! A MUST TRY.';
Arbonne clear advantage makes the safest, and effective regime and it comes with a daily supplement.

Give it a try. It comes with a 45 day money back policy too.
I recommend Arbonne's Clear Advantage for acne. Acne is caused by overactive hormones and must be treated from the inside out. Arbonne's Clear Advantage comes with a supplement to help with that. Email Kelly for info. I'm sure you'll be pleased as I've seen amazing results from people that have tried it.
try ripe tomotoe... rub it and leave for 30 minutes before you rinse....... see result in 1 week.
I personally recommend Tea Tree Oil. I've been using it to treat acne and it really works. I've also tried Clearasil and Neutrogena which worked for a short time, but long-term were no good. Tea Tree Oil is the only thing I've used that has worked continually and it's a natural antiseptic so it doesn't have side-effects that other treatments have.

Just dab a little on the affected area. If you have sensitive skin, you'll need to dilute it. It has a strong smell, so better to use it at night before bed so you won't smell all day long.

I also make sure I moisturise after cleasing to restore the oil balance in my skin. This prevents breakouts by stopping the skin from producing more oil than necessary.

And drink plenty of water, eat healthy, exercise regularly
try getting a prescription for minocycline or tetracycline (capsules) and combine that with differin gel. The pills really help, also stridex makes a foam clenser that works well combined with these, good luck!
Soak cotton wool in mint juice, and apply every day. Mix cinnamon powder with lime juice to make a fine paste, Apply on pimples. Check out for more useful info.

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