Saturday, November 28, 2009

Any skin care tips to keep my skin looking fresh and pimple free?

I wash my face daily with acne wash and I only get pimples sometimes, but when I do get them, they are sometimes hard to get rid of, what should I do to prevent them? Also, what should I do to stop them from getting larger when they first start out? What will make face look fresh and that kind of dewy look (without anything that will clog my pores)? Thank you.Any skin care tips to keep my skin looking fresh and pimple free?
why dont you try a mask to pull some of the oils in your face out and like the other girl said try not to touch your face a lot...

i went to the doc for mine because i had the same thing and he prescribed me not sure if they still make it but after a year of using it i dont get pimples any more (well maybe just 1 or 2 around that time of the month)Any skin care tips to keep my skin looking fresh and pimple free?
In response to HaveFaith's answer, I don't think they make Benzaclin anymore, if I'm thinking right this is what my doctor gave me a free sample of because it was being discontinued, and that was a while ago.
wash your face twice or thrice with water and apply tomato juice on it
You can try diana stalder products from

try the lemon soap or the anti acne kit which is great to get rid of acne...
Dont touch your hands to your face!

The oils get on your skin from your hands and cause poors to clog up!
I use papaya kojic and licorice base soap and cream which are

available online. These work wonders.

Maybe it will work on you too.

Try searching it through Google 'shopaholic's bargains'
put cucumbers :)

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