Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the best skin care regimine for someone entering their 30s?

I'm turning 30 soon, and have never really done the whole skin care thing other than washing my face in the shower. Now I'd like to start trying to take better care of my skin.

I have normal to combination skin that is prone to break outs on my forehead and chin. Very fine lines and dark circles under my eyes.What is the best skin care regimine for someone entering their 30s?
The best thing I could say is keep your face, neck and chest HYDRATED! and wear sunscreen on all those areas including your hands. Your hands and neck age 10 years before anything else. Try getting a facial or even a mini-facial as soon as you can and often

as you can. This will allow the products that you use to be more active because of removing the dead skin that ly in the fine lines and pores. If you are just using soap to wash your face, trade that in for some cleanser that wipes away impurities without overdrying. As for the breakouts that occur, keep an eye on what you eat. Try to cut down or stop dairy products. That should help your chin. If you are eating late at night or snacking late at night, you are not digesting like you should and that might be causing your forehead breakouts. Good luck on your venture. It is a life long committment but well worth it.What is the best skin care regimine for someone entering their 30s?
I would start using Xtend-Life products. They are all natural and not harsh like products with chemicals. They have a great skin anti aging line of products. For more information about their great products go to Report Abuse

Using natural ingredients for skin care gets good results. Also eating a good diet and drinking water along with a small amount of exercise will help. Aloe vera skin care has always been used for centuries discover the truth about aloe vera skin care. Report Abuse

I would go to a dermatologist to find out what products are right for your face. If you are not willing to do that, i would go to a department store and ask the salesperson what product they recommend.
avon has the solution
Stay out of the sun. The skin on my mother's arms and legs looks like it's melted. When she wears a house dress you can see her shoulders, which were never exposed to the sun. The skin looks like a child's.
take fruit facial
I'm turning 28 and I have normal to combination skin too. I use Nutregena Oil Free Cream Cleanser. (I also use St. Ives Apricot Scrub for normal skin in the shower after cleansing.) I then moisturize with Olay Oil Free Moisturizer.
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