Monday, November 30, 2009

What is the best skin care lines for someone that has acne but also wants products that help with aging?

I am 26 yrs old and have VERY oily skin but I also need somehting that prevents and treats wrinkles. I have tried alot of products only designed for acne but they still don't seem to work very well (proactiv, arbonne, clinique) as well as many drugstore brands.What is the best skin care lines for someone that has acne but also wants products that help with aging?
Not only cream can help reduce wrinkles, but more importantly is what you eat and your lifestyles. By chance I got some articles in my blog about what you should eat , what you should do, what you should prevent for wrinkles,if you are interest , you can take a look at http://antiaging-skin-care-tips.blogspot鈥?/a>What is the best skin care lines for someone that has acne but also wants products that help with aging?
If you are looking for home remedy to reduce wrinkles, try this.

Smear honey on your face and leave it for as long as possible (but 5-10mins a day will do). then rinse off with tepid water mixed with a teaspoon of cider vinegar - this has a neutral pH and will act as a toner.

And if you have some bucks, Lifecell anti wrinkle cream would be a good choice. You can have more information here.
Acne Free,Triclear! And for the aging Netragena and Oil of olay!
Caudalie.. check em out! They use grape seed oil.. SO GOOD FOR AGING, but it's also gentle enough to not make your acne react. I have acne bad and I use the most rich cream that normally in other brands would cause an acne flare up, but not at Caudalie. Good luck!
I just moved to a very dry state and began using a ton of lotion on my face and started to break out. So i bought proactive and found they have a solution for dry skin and also oily skin. Try this cause i started using it 5 days ago and i don't have dry skin anymore. I love it!

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