Monday, November 30, 2009

What are your best homemade skin care treatments?

I like using natural products for my skin and want to learn what women all over the world use.What are your best homemade skin care treatments?
Self massage with natural oils like coconut, almond, olive, jojoba, cypress works wonders. They nourish and feed skin many beneficial and health promoting nutrients. It's best to massage on a daily basis quite thoroughly for best and quickest results. I found a forward and back motion using finger tips and front and sides of fingers, depending where on face you massage, is best (a circular one will be less effective).

Quickly gets rid of blemishes in a matter of days, conditions and tones face skin and face muscles as well as firming, and tightening and making skin smooth and greatly inhibits face aging and wrinkles . Will also give skin a healthy natural glow. Oils are perfect, safe, natural moisturizers. As you probably are aware many skin products and moisturizers have been pulled from market because of skin harming , skin aging and, in some cases, cancer causing concerns. Like any moisturizer you do not remove (most quickly absorbs into skin). Simply splash face with water and dab dry with tissues.You will be amazed at it麓s effectiveness.

To avoid harm from toxic sunscreens apply on top of the oil. Surprisingly it is equally effective. I know because I spend hours in the sun and I never burn. Many have benefited from treatment and I have glowing testimonials from happy users. See my many Best Answers

SOURCE(S): 20+ years research into safe, natural treatments and cures of skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging, rejuvenation treatments.What are your best homemade skin care treatments?
Well I know this will sound gross, but you can try a blend of oatmeal or granola, eggs, lemon and honey. The oatmeal acts as an exfoliator, it scrubs dead skin off your face and gives it a very soft, smooth feeling. The yolk of the eggs and lemon can actually help with acne believe it or not, and the honey is also a great moisturizer. Try it!
search google for make your own facials and body things. i did this once and made a facial paste out of stuff from the kitchen!:)
Olive oil + salt = fab body scrub

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