Wednesday, June 23, 2010

When starting a new skin care routine, is it normal for your face to break out more?

I just started using this new skin care routine with la roche-posey two days ago and it seems like my face is breaking out more. My friend said it's normal because the chemicals are bringing everything to the surface, but it's really bothering me. If it's normal, then I can wait it out, but I don't want to be using something that is only making my face worse. Any advice?When starting a new skin care routine, is it normal for your face to break out more?
yep. I just recently started a new routine with Clean %26amp; Clear and my face broke out SO MUCH... I got a huge pimple on my neck.. but it cleared up in 3 days instead of in a week, so I can tell things are working!

keep with it and you'll be gorgeous in no time!When starting a new skin care routine, is it normal for your face to break out more?
that happened to me a lot. i didn't feel like it was normal so I switched i use clean and clear and LOVE it. pro active didn't work for me it made it worse within 3 days i was going crazy.
yeah its totally normal. its just releasing out all of the bad toxins. give it a few weeks and your skin will be cleared up.
No, it is not. It is irritating your skin. You need to see a dermatologist.
Yes that is normal, give it at least a week and things should clear up.
yeah its normal, the first couple weeks or so it needs to clear everything out

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