Monday, June 21, 2010

What is toner? Is it an important part of a skin care regimen?

What does toner do? Should people with sensitive skin use it?

Im 14 years old so im kinda new to skin care and such.

10 points! :) Thanks so much for any answer!What is toner? Is it an important part of a skin care regimen?
Toners remove all the excess make-up that coleanser hasn't removed and makes the pores of one's skin smaller.

After wearing make-up, cleansing your face and then toning you'd be surprised how much makee-up turns up on the cotton bud you've been toning with aha.What is toner? Is it an important part of a skin care regimen?
it's a good way to cleanse your skin (get rid of dirt, grease, oil, sweat, and makeup) that's usually used before you sleep and/or when you wake up. Its a clear liquid that smells like alcohol and you typically pour some on a cotton swab for use.

it's obviously important to clean your skin daily to keep pores unclogged, but whether or not you use toner is a matter of personal preference. I simply use a facewash/scrub and it does the job!
toners or astringents are used to make pores smaller, its not necessary.

it seems to dry out my skin.

i have terrible skin, so i use a gentle cleanser (olay) with cold water, and it helps alot more than anything thats specificly meant for acne! because it doesnt dry out my skin.

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