Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?

I have couple blackheads here and there, along with some whiteheads. My skin type is a combination of dry, and oily. I'm tired of having acne, it's so frustrating to deal with. My confidence level has dropped down a lot. I need help. So, what's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?

Thanks for answering!What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?
**I had a hypersensitive, fair skin in my early teens. My skin was dry and severely flaking, had severe sun damage, discolorations, blotches, large pores, many blackheads and whiteheads, pimples and scars. I found cause was mainly harsh soaps and also shampoos that gave me severe flaking scalp and harmed facial skin. I switched to hair and face washing with a mild natural bar soap with no additives, no colorings, no fragrances and healing started. Healing was very much hastened by vigorous massaging with essential oils. To do vigorously first tighten face by opening mouth 3/4'; and pulling lips firmly back against teeth. Do a forward and back massage with tips and front and sides of fingers and palms, depending where on face applying. Circular massage is not effective. Gradually build up to vigorous as skin has to adjust. Initially face and hands may ache but also quickly adjust. If do a daily 30 min massage(can be in two or more sessions) you will get dramatic results. In first few days blackheads, whiteheads and pores will vanish or greatly diminish. Skin will quickly become smoother, softer, tighter and look and feel revitalized and develop a healthy glow. Keep it up and It will become totally blemish free. Oils are perfect moisturizers so do not remove. Lightly wash off excess with water and dab dry with tissues.

Treatment also cured skin hyper sensitivity.

We are always being told that high spf sunscreens are bad for skin. After massaging with oil, apply sunscreen on top of oil. The oil acts as a barrier. Surprisingly it is equally if not more effective. I often spend many hours a day in blistering Mexican sun with just one application of spf 15 and never burn.

OILS: I had great results with olive. Best for some acne prone skins are lavender, rosewood, bergamot. They do not clog, cause breakouts and they lessen skin's production of oils. They are strong and need diluting 25/75 or 50/50 with grapeseed, almond or olive oil.

Many have benefited on Answers from treatment. Here is a report from one of them.

wannabeblue28: ';Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face and neck with the ridges of my fingers and hands. It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. ...... my skin looks so much tighter and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young.';

SOURCE(S): 20 + years research, experimentation - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments

.What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?
I recommend Ret Perfect Retinol 0.05% for acne control, even though you have sensitive skin, I still recommend it as everyone, sensitive or not, reacts to this cream within the first week of use. Your skin will calm down the 2nd week. The good thing about Retinol is it has the ability to feed your skin cells Vitamin A which is one of the most important supplements for keeping your cells healthy. You will find that your skin after a few weeks of use, will not be sensitive anymore as it seems to change your cell structure which in turn changes your skin.

I also recommend microderm, but only for keeping your skin clean and glowing, as you will have discovered, microdermabrasion is just a glorified exfoliator, but it is an excellent exfoliator though. The ecoderm one has Emu oil in it, so you will notice you still have a layer of moisture on your skin even after you wash it off.

I also recommend a serum, the DMAE %26amp; MSM one or The Ultimate Firming Serum, its excellent and is packed with active ingredients and vitamins for your skin.

Don鈥檛 ever use a soap at all, whether its organic, tea tree oil or whatever base they say it is, as ALL soap strips your natural oils from your skin and so your cells then compensate by producing more oil and that鈥檚 why you get break outs at times.
(this may be long so bear with me lol!)

try the Simple Kind To Skin ranger and Oil Balancing range - you should be able to get it at most drug stores or supermarkets. Simple products don't have any perfumes or colours in them, so they wont irritate your skin or damage it (as your skin is still quite young). it's not really expensive, but it's not cheap rubbish either.

this stuff is amazing and leaves your skin feeling so soft!

professionals will say that you're supposed to ';cleanse, tone and moisturize'; and if you want to then here's some stuff that i would recommend;

1. wash every morning and night with the Moisturizing Foaming Facial Wash:鈥?/a>

2. after washing, cleanse with the Purifying Cleansing Lotion:鈥?/a>

3. after cleansing, tone with the Soothing Facial Toner:鈥?/a>

4. finally, use the Oil Balancing Moisturizer (this will stop your face from looking shiny if you have oily skin):鈥?/a>

5. also, once a week you could try the Oil Balancing Exfoliating Wash as it will help clean your skin deep down to help keep the oilyness at bay:鈥?/a>

of course, you dont need to go by what i say lol. feel free to choose your own combinations. here's links to both the ranges i would recommend for you;

Oil Balancing Range:鈥?/a>

Kind To Skin Range:鈥?/a>

apart from all that stuff, (you probably will hear this all the time, but) try to drink at least 2 litres of water/liquid a day as it really will help keep your skin hydrated if it is dry.

hope this helps (:
I use the cinique 3 step range for oily skin, due to the occassional breakout and pores. The only downside to clinique is the cost - and giving that your 13, it might be out of your price range? Why dont you try and go to to Drs and talk about your problem with the acne, they maybe able to prescribe some creams etc. When I hit 13 to 16 my skin also broke out in acne. It settled down eventually :)

I would also recomend, not touching or 'popping' the spots and drink lots of water.
Moisturise in the morning , cleanse at night and tone and moisturise (make sure none of your products include perfume) don't use no spot face washes it drys out skin . Exfoliate once a week , no more then once otherwise it drys out skin. Dry plenty of water and use a face mask once a week not one thats too harsh as you have acne.
Try the Clinique range, they are really good but abit on the pricey side at 拢41 per set.

I would advise you go down to a Clinique counter (found at many big department stores) and get them to do a skin test on you and they can give you a personalized program x

oh and always ask for samples :)
use a microbead cleanser or a deep cleanser once a week and moisturize afterwards then wash ur face with dove beauty bar once a day

and moisturize

try not to touch your face all that much

wash ur pillow cases once a week

and finally exercise and drink lots of water
you can find some helpful tips here:鈥?/a>

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