Monday, June 21, 2010

What is the best skin care line for African American women?

I have been looking for a good skin care line for African American women but I haven't found any. I haven't tried Clean %26amp; Clear or Clearasil because Im not sure if they are for women of my tone. My main problems with my skin is dryness and discoloration. I frequently have blemishes or pimples but having a good cleanser and moisturizer to fight against that would be good as well.What is the best skin care line for African American women?
You should try Black Opal Products or Ambi Products. I use Black Opal and it works well on problem skin; blemishes, acne,discoloration, oily and dry skin..... You can find the products in CVS, Rite-Aid, Wal- Greens and just about any grocery store..

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