Monday, June 21, 2010

Can someone help me find a good skin care line?

Hi I'm 24 years old

I just need to find an inexpensive product to sort of give me a fresh look. I have noticed fine lines around my eyes and some flaky skin.

I cant afford micro derm abrasion. I was thinking of product I could maybe buy at walmart. Any suggestions on stuff that actually works?

Thank you so much for the help!Can someone help me find a good skin care line?
Aveeno or Nuetrogena are good, but not for really dry skin. I have extremely dry, flaking skin on my face and they help, but dont do the trick completely.

There is a new product out call yes to carrots that I have been thinking about trying. It has gotten good reviews. It is only available through Walgreens, but if you dont have one in your area you can order it off of their website.Can someone help me find a good skin care line?
I think that the Neutrogena line is good.

It's great. It's about $5.00 for a bottle of lotion in Walmart, but it's worth every cent. I also recommend the face wash that they have. It evens skin tones.
Artistry has a line called ';Time Defiance';. I use the daily skin care system and my skin has never looked better! They also have other products like eye cream and a botox-substitute called ';Derma Erase';.

Their products have been clinically proven to reduce wrinkles by anywhere from 40% to 80% (depending on the product). They aren't available in stores but I get mine at

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