Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Skin Care Product Line should I Use?

Okay, so recently I've been using Clinique 3 Step Solution line with the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. But i want to switch and try out the Shiseido Pureness line. I was just wondering if anyone has used one or the other or both and tell me which one you liked. Because the Shiseido Pureness line is much more expensive, but if its better than Im willing to pay the price. So please let me know, thank you!What Skin Care Product Line should I Use?
use proactiv.What Skin Care Product Line should I Use?
proactive didnt work for me but im using mary kay a little expensive but it works Report Abuse

I have used both lines. To be honest, Shiseido's The Skincare line is really good. My skin looks great all day and their moisturizers really hydrate all day despite that it's light. And the cleanser and softeners are gentle enough to leave the skin clean, soft and non-irritated. Hope i helped. Report Abuse

Neither: Try JAFRA! girl, this stuff rocks. First start out with simple stuff (pearl cleanser, moisterizing lotion etc.) but once you get way into it you can start buying stuff like mud masks and this stuff that makes your skin's elactisity go way up(less wrinkles--I'm not an old lady, but i always stay safe!) Chek more of their products out here:

Great make-up too.
Try proactive or if you want to save money and get great results try Clean%26amp;Clear.
i heard Nu Skin is really good but it's more on the pricier side. but i never tried it i been meaning to though. i know someone who can sign you up as a customer if you're ever interested in buying the product.
im not an avon or someone trying to sell you something like everyone else does. Avon by far has the best skin care line ever. the skin care line is for different skin types and all ages.From my use and my family's use they all agree. its not that expensive either. go to and i think you can order online without rep. good luck girl!
Olay, or Neutrogena.
olay or dove

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