Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Can someone put together an affordable mens skin care package for me?

I'd like to be more healthy and clean, so if you could make suggestions for mens skin products, that would be great. By the way, I'm sixteen years old.Can someone put together an affordable mens skin care package for me?
Me and my bro use works really well but can be expensive..i suggest the 4-step system

also if you want your skin to be more healthy it helps if you cut back on greasy foods like potato food.. I dont drink milk and that helps tons alsoCan someone put together an affordable mens skin care package for me?
You don't need products just for men. Womens and mens skin is the same (except for shaving)

You want to find products that are gentle, they should not sting your face.

A gentle cleaner that's cheap and good is clean %26amp; clear for sensitive skin and for acne try clean and clear persa gel.

And don't forget sunscreen everyday not just at beach (that's if you want to prevent wrinkles in 10years :)

hope this helps

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