Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Does anyone know of a good skin care line to prevent premature aging?

don't get me wrong, I'm not that old. I am 23 but I am starting to notice some really fine lines under my eyes and it's creeping me out. I want to know if anyone has heard of a good skin care line that can prevent premature aging and that can also nurture my skin. I have an oily complexion and I'm somewhat prone to acne. Please help...I need good advice!Does anyone know of a good skin care line to prevent premature aging?
First of all, you do not have mature skin until the age of 25. You have two more years to go but it is good to start using products to prevent wrinkles. I know of a good product but they are sold only in specific places. There is one called the revitilizing eye cream that is sold in Being Spa the website is you can find it on there. There is also the sothys refirmming products which I have no clue where you can buy. Check it out online!Does anyone know of a good skin care line to prevent premature aging?
Try using Oil of Olay products it will work. Skin Defining..
I truly and honestly believe that mary kay timewise collection is the best.. They have a microdermabrassion set that helps minimize fine lines and pores and not only that all of there product is 100% guaranteed.. I have seen women in there 50's and they have better skin than me and they use mary kay.. well i hope that helps and of course you can always go to there website and see other products that help with anti-aging i am 23 myself and i know what you are talking about.
Mary Kay is amazing. They are a little expensive, but I love their live. THey have an acne product as well..something like volation or something...which is amazing.

And TimeWise is what I use (im 18...starting early!!!). I love it and totally recommend it.
gensing roots
L'Bri Pure n' Natural is a natural aloe based skin care company. The products do not contain mineral oils, waxes, lanolin's, parabens, artificial colors or fragrances. These are pore clogging ingredients that confuse your skin. You can request a free 6 piece sample set at It's absolutely wonderful! There is a 30 day money back guarantee and it's very affordable. The cleanser is only $14 and will last you 3-4 months.
Arbonne is a great skin care line for every skin type! I my self have had acne and Arbonne Clear Advantage was the only thing that cleared it up! I do use a lot of the anti-aging line as I can! I use the eye cream and love it! I am 30 and was also noticing those fine lines! In the few months I have been using Abronne I have noticed a decrease in the lines and my bags under and above my eyes! Email and I can get you more info about Arbonne if you would like!!
  • hair cut styles
  • How can a woman spend so much time on hair, make up and skin care and then light up a cigarette?

    Don't they realize how disgusting the smell of cigarette smoke is on the inside as well as the outside of your body? Not to mention how utterly stupid it is to ruin your health with tabacco products.How can a woman spend so much time on hair, make up and skin care and then light up a cigarette?
    Seems crazy, doesn't it? It always kills me, too, when they do it around their kids or pets. It's one thing if you're addicted and need to smoke even though it harms yourself, but to expose your loved ones to it is criminal.How can a woman spend so much time on hair, make up and skin care and then light up a cigarette?
    Welcome to the irrational world called Planet Earth.
    Either she is addicted from the start for whatever reason (needed a release, wanted to try it and was hooked and so on) and she has always cared about her physical appearance.

    Or she cares about her physical appearance and that cigarette helps pull together her alluring sexy look ... or so she thinks. It may also help her keep the weight off which goes back to physical appearance.

    I think cigarettes are disgusting I don't completely understand. But those are just my two cents.
    Yeah and we all know you'd light your foot on fire to light her cigarette if she so much as gave you the time of day. Damn you sound like a pathetic afterschool special.
    How can any human with half a brain light up with all the bad stuff we now know tobacco does?
    I'm sure you also have a bad habbit.
    It is a myth that smoking keeps you thin so guess what they do...
    nicotine addiction is very strong
    Nasty Huh? And it's taking years from her life, and is gonna look older in the future.

    What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?

    I have couple blackheads here and there, along with some whiteheads. My skin type is a combination of dry, and oily. I'm tired of having acne, it's so frustrating to deal with. My confidence level has dropped down a lot. I need help. So, what's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?

    Thanks for answering!What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?
    **I had a hypersensitive, fair skin in my early teens. My skin was dry and severely flaking, had severe sun damage, discolorations, blotches, large pores, many blackheads and whiteheads, pimples and scars. I found cause was mainly harsh soaps and also shampoos that gave me severe flaking scalp and harmed facial skin. I switched to hair and face washing with a mild natural bar soap with no additives, no colorings, no fragrances and healing started. Healing was very much hastened by vigorous massaging with essential oils. To do vigorously first tighten face by opening mouth 3/4'; and pulling lips firmly back against teeth. Do a forward and back massage with tips and front and sides of fingers and palms, depending where on face applying. Circular massage is not effective. Gradually build up to vigorous as skin has to adjust. Initially face and hands may ache but also quickly adjust. If do a daily 30 min massage(can be in two or more sessions) you will get dramatic results. In first few days blackheads, whiteheads and pores will vanish or greatly diminish. Skin will quickly become smoother, softer, tighter and look and feel revitalized and develop a healthy glow. Keep it up and It will become totally blemish free. Oils are perfect moisturizers so do not remove. Lightly wash off excess with water and dab dry with tissues.

    Treatment also cured skin hyper sensitivity.

    We are always being told that high spf sunscreens are bad for skin. After massaging with oil, apply sunscreen on top of oil. The oil acts as a barrier. Surprisingly it is equally if not more effective. I often spend many hours a day in blistering Mexican sun with just one application of spf 15 and never burn.

    OILS: I had great results with olive. Best for some acne prone skins are lavender, rosewood, bergamot. They do not clog, cause breakouts and they lessen skin's production of oils. They are strong and need diluting 25/75 or 50/50 with grapeseed, almond or olive oil.

    Many have benefited on Answers from treatment. Here is a report from one of them.

    wannabeblue28: ';Hi Mukunda M. I have just been rubbing my face and neck with the ridges of my fingers and hands. It has made a HUGE difference in my complexion after just one night. ...... my skin looks so much tighter and i no longer have bags under my eyes! Thank you so much for your post, I have been suffering with acne and under-eye circles since i was young.';

    SOURCE(S): 20 + years research, experimentation - safe natural treatments/cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging/rejuvenation treatments

    .What's a good skin care routine to achieve smooth, healthy, and flawless skin?
    I recommend Ret Perfect Retinol 0.05% for acne control, even though you have sensitive skin, I still recommend it as everyone, sensitive or not, reacts to this cream within the first week of use. Your skin will calm down the 2nd week. The good thing about Retinol is it has the ability to feed your skin cells Vitamin A which is one of the most important supplements for keeping your cells healthy. You will find that your skin after a few weeks of use, will not be sensitive anymore as it seems to change your cell structure which in turn changes your skin.

    I also recommend microderm, but only for keeping your skin clean and glowing, as you will have discovered, microdermabrasion is just a glorified exfoliator, but it is an excellent exfoliator though. The ecoderm one has Emu oil in it, so you will notice you still have a layer of moisture on your skin even after you wash it off.

    I also recommend a serum, the DMAE %26amp; MSM one or The Ultimate Firming Serum, its excellent and is packed with active ingredients and vitamins for your skin.

    Don鈥檛 ever use a soap at all, whether its organic, tea tree oil or whatever base they say it is, as ALL soap strips your natural oils from your skin and so your cells then compensate by producing more oil and that鈥檚 why you get break outs at times.
    (this may be long so bear with me lol!)

    try the Simple Kind To Skin ranger and Oil Balancing range - you should be able to get it at most drug stores or supermarkets. Simple products don't have any perfumes or colours in them, so they wont irritate your skin or damage it (as your skin is still quite young). it's not really expensive, but it's not cheap rubbish either.

    this stuff is amazing and leaves your skin feeling so soft!

    professionals will say that you're supposed to ';cleanse, tone and moisturize'; and if you want to then here's some stuff that i would recommend;

    1. wash every morning and night with the Moisturizing Foaming Facial Wash:鈥?/a>

    2. after washing, cleanse with the Purifying Cleansing Lotion:鈥?/a>

    3. after cleansing, tone with the Soothing Facial Toner:鈥?/a>

    4. finally, use the Oil Balancing Moisturizer (this will stop your face from looking shiny if you have oily skin):鈥?/a>

    5. also, once a week you could try the Oil Balancing Exfoliating Wash as it will help clean your skin deep down to help keep the oilyness at bay:鈥?/a>

    of course, you dont need to go by what i say lol. feel free to choose your own combinations. here's links to both the ranges i would recommend for you;

    Oil Balancing Range:鈥?/a>

    Kind To Skin Range:鈥?/a>

    apart from all that stuff, (you probably will hear this all the time, but) try to drink at least 2 litres of water/liquid a day as it really will help keep your skin hydrated if it is dry.

    hope this helps (:
    I use the cinique 3 step range for oily skin, due to the occassional breakout and pores. The only downside to clinique is the cost - and giving that your 13, it might be out of your price range? Why dont you try and go to to Drs and talk about your problem with the acne, they maybe able to prescribe some creams etc. When I hit 13 to 16 my skin also broke out in acne. It settled down eventually :)

    I would also recomend, not touching or 'popping' the spots and drink lots of water.
    Moisturise in the morning , cleanse at night and tone and moisturise (make sure none of your products include perfume) don't use no spot face washes it drys out skin . Exfoliate once a week , no more then once otherwise it drys out skin. Dry plenty of water and use a face mask once a week not one thats too harsh as you have acne.
    Try the Clinique range, they are really good but abit on the pricey side at 拢41 per set.

    I would advise you go down to a Clinique counter (found at many big department stores) and get them to do a skin test on you and they can give you a personalized program x

    oh and always ask for samples :)
    use a microbead cleanser or a deep cleanser once a week and moisturize afterwards then wash ur face with dove beauty bar once a day

    and moisturize

    try not to touch your face all that much

    wash ur pillow cases once a week

    and finally exercise and drink lots of water
    you can find some helpful tips here:鈥?/a>

    What is the best skin care line you can find in the store for ethnic skin?

    I'm looking for a face wash and moisturizer for my skin.. Something that works well with African American skin. some brands can cause irritation.What is the best skin care line you can find in the store for ethnic skin?
    As you are looking for a face wash and moisturizer for your skin just visit the site as it describes total skin care with the products best which suits you or you can go for a nova care products which helps out you better.What is the best skin care line you can find in the store for ethnic skin?
    The objective is to make a change, improving skin appearance from the inside, which means that the product used works inside the skin stimulating what is needed to return to the skin鈥檚 natural balance and increase collagen and elastin production; and the essential components to keep the skin healthy. This effect appears as a remarkable change in a short time and depends on the kind of peeling used and the depth of it.
    I got these tips from

    Pick those products with these natural Ingredients that can help boost your body's collagen and elastin

    1) Phytessence Wakame -- This is a special extract from a Japanese sea kelp. However, extracts of the sea kelp have been shown to have amazing properties in keeping the skin young. For example, phytessence wakame attacks a harmful enzyme in the body, which breans down a needed substance called hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid works with your two most important skin proteins collagen and elastin to keep your skin supple and smooth.

    2) Grapeseed Oil - Grapeseed oil is a potent antioxidant. When used for skin care, the application of it creates an invisible film on your skin, to keep moisture locked in. The antioxidant properties fight off free radicals, which is one of the leading causes of skin cell destruction and aging.

    3) Nano-Lipobelle H EQ10 - This is a wildly popular and expensive anti-aging nutritional supplement. It penetrates deeply into your skin. In scientific studies, it produces a dramatic anti-wrinkle effect as it is a powerful anti-oxidant that works deeply in the layers of your skin.
    you can find that in this site with alot of related useful links
    visit this blog specialized in skin care

    Can anybody give me some good tips for good skin care?

    I am a girl, currently in 8th grade and my skin's a total mess. I have these red blemishes on both of my cheeks and lots of blackheads and oil on the sides of my nose. I've tried using clinique, murad and other materials, but it just made my skin worse than before! :( I'm always stressing out when I look at myself in the mirror. People say that my face is pretty but just my skin's not. Can anyone please help me? This is serious for me!!Can anybody give me some good tips for good skin care?
    Here, try using these great home remedies.

    Using Lemon is the best thing to reduce the marks and blemishes on the skin. It can be applied directly on the skin.

    You can also rub a lemon peel on the skin with a little sugar on it or without the sugar. After rubbing it leave it on the skin for at least 10 minutes. If you practice this regularly you can reduce the scars/marks finely.

    Grate potatoes, wrap them in a cloth and take out the juice. Mix few drops of lemon juice and honey to it and apply it on your face. If you don't want to apply it all over the face then apply only on the marks. Wash off after 20 minutes. (Potato has bleaching agents, which reduces the blemishes.)

    Make a mixture of tomato juice and lemon juice. You can fill it in a bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. You can apply this mixture on your face daily with a cotton ball.

    Honey added in milk powder helps in reducing the blemishes.

    If you have real dark blemishes on the skin make a powder of dry lemon peels and orange peels.

    Drinking lots of water to keep the skin hydrate and detoxified.

    Good Luck

    =)Can anybody give me some good tips for good skin care?
    you should try this!

    ok imnot saying you do but bad nutricion, sun, stress are the main causes of your bad skin!

    in order to have healthy nice skin you have to drink lots of water 8-10 glasses of water a day!

    this is one way proper skin care !

    step 1: cleansing

    step 2: toning

    step 3:motorizing

    step 4: exfoliaring

    step 5: mask

    do this twice a moth and your skin will be soft and acne free!


    you can try

    putting these on your face to give it that nice tone back


    *warm water

    *pinaple juice

    *tomatoe juice

    and nerver put sunblock on your face thats more than 15 spf


    ohh!! a good toning is rosewater and a good motorizing is kienis


    this tips are good too!

    1) Drink more water.

    2) Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

    3) Only wash your face once per day. The best time is at night, so you can take off any makeup you might have on.

    4) Stop using anti-acne products and start using products that claim to be high in moisturizers.

    5) Do NOT pop pimples! It just leaves scars or makes the pimple worse.

    6) Exfoliate every other day with something simple and moisturizing like St. Ives Apricot Scrub.
    1) Drink more water.

    2) Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

    3) Only wash your face once per day. The best time is at night, so you can take off any makeup you might have on.

    4) Stop using anti-acne products and start using products that claim to be high in moisturizers.

    5) Do NOT pop pimples! It just leaves scars or makes the pimple worse.

    6) Exfoliate every other day with something simple and moisturizing like St. Ives Apricot Scrub.
    blemishes esp. blackheads can be gone easily by applying carrot juice on your face daily.

    hope that helped.

    visit this site for more beauty tips:

    My name is Joy and I am an independent beauty consultant for a skin care company, Warm Spirit, Inc. I do know the ends and outs of appropriate skin care. I would like to offer a couple of solutions for you to try. No matter how ';Young'; or how old a person is, everyone needs to take care of their skin!

    First your diet- what goes inside of you contributes a whole lot to what shows up on the outside of our body. A change in your intake can go a long way. Decreasing chocolates, watching your sugar consumption and drinking lots of water (cutting out the sodas/pops) could drastically reduce the appearance of blackheads.

    Secondly, you want to get into the habit of nourishing your skin with a great product line. Considering you have sensitive skin you want a product line that is formulated without dyes or harsh chemicals; is nature based using plants, flowers, herbs and pure essential oils (these will combat the appearance of oily skin and blackheads). You want to treat your skin with ingredients that are organic as well.

    Exfoliate and Hydrate and Clarify! Keep the skin free from old dead cells and keep the oil at bay by utilizing a gentle facial cleanser. The red blemishes will need to be fought with either a good facial serum (these are normally given by a dermatologist or offered by a great skin care line) or a blemish skin care product which I can offer for you.

    If you would like to try any of Warm Spirit's organic nature based products, I would be happy to help you select a regimen that you will be very pleased with.

    Take care and I hope this helps.鈥?/a>
    Consider your age range too as this is a common time when your body starts becoming adult so lots of hormone activity can definitely contribute to skin such as yours.

    Diet is important here too. Cut out any fast foods as much as possible; those saturated fats are hard on your complexion. Increase water, unsweetened juices, low-sugar drinks. Add whole grains, not white processed breads (no donuts etc). Avoid fried food and increase things like boiled eggs, cottage cheese, chicken (not fried), and fresh fruit and vegies.

    What you put into your body will show on your skin:) healthwise.

    As for products, Neutrogena has a simple cleanser %26amp; toner %26amp; moisturizer you can use. Or a cosmetics clerk can show you what the drugstore carries. Nice products.

    Stress? That can irritate your skin. Can you add a B-Complex supplement from the drugstore? Also, my drugstore carries something called ';Stresstabs'; which is the b-complex but with more to help with stress.

    Hope this helps.
    First, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist! That's your failsafe. 2/3 times the dermatologist will give a first time patient differin gel.

    But listen, between now and when you get that appointment this is what you need to do: Make sure whatever you cleanse your face with says non comedagenic or hyper allergenic. You don't want any cleansers with fragrances or ingredients that will clog your pores. I suggest Cetaphil cleanser (unlike a soap it doesn't strip the skin of all its oils, thereby causing the skin to produce an excess of oil and cause even more pimples). After you cleanse, use a toner. You don't need to drop a bundle on this. I suggest Clean %26amp; Clear toner.

    For moisturizers, make sure whatever you use says non comedagenic or hyperallergenic. Same thing for makeup! If it does not say these two things then run! Just an ';oil free'; label is not enought. Try bare escentuals mineral makeup or clinique makeup if you are wearing makeup yet.

    Lastly: Don't touch or pick your face when you are not cleaning it. This will only aggravate the situation and cause scars. Also, the whole ';chocolate and greasy foods causes acne'; thing is a myth. The grease in your food has nothing to do with the grease your face produces.

    Are these skin care products safe during pregnancy?

    Hi - I'm hoping to get pregnant in the near future, and would like to know if anyone is aware if Shi' Jano skin care products and products containing AHA's are safe to use during pregnancy. Thanks.Are these skin care products safe during pregnancy?
    Best thing is to contact the company that makes it and find out!!

    good luck with D future baby :)

    What skin care treatement removes dead skin cells?

    is it a facial? or was it something else?What skin care treatement removes dead skin cells?
    It depends upon your skin type. What is great for one maybe too harsh or not something you feel beneficial for yourself. I have tried facial scrubs that exfoliates from various high end companies. I use various forms of exfoliation from mild to abrasive twice a week, depending upon the weather and how my skin is reacting. In the summer I exfoliate more often than in the winter when my skin tends to dry from the harsh cold weather. I would suggest you experiment with various bands until you find one that you like. There are many good companies out there to choose from.What skin care treatement removes dead skin cells?
    Anything that ';exfoliates'; removes dead skin cells.
    I use an at-home microderm system once a week. It is a ';Spa Quality'; treatment.that you would find at a dayspa.
    You could always try some Hydrochloric Acid, however that may remove some live skin cells as well.
    lots of methods actually.. choose one that works for you -

    - facial

    - microdermabrasion (salon or homekits)

    - exfoliating scrubs (such as st. ives)

    - antiacne skin care

    - facial/body sponges or loofahs

    my favorite is st. ives apricot scrub. :-)
    use an expholiating scrub, its usually a facial wash with little beads or something in them that isnt as harsh as a loofa but is still effective enough to remove dead skin from your face. but if its for the rest of your body then yes, a loofa will do it. you have to be careful with what you rub on your face because the skin on your face reacts differently and is WAY more sensitive than the skin on the rest of your body.
    rubbing your skin with a loofa in the shower works
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    thin skin