Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What is the best skin care product for babies?

I have always used Johnson and Johnson for my 4.5 month old son. I know there are better products, so I'd like to hear what you think it's the best? Not that I am not liking what I'm using now, but I would like to something better.

(talking about shampoo, lotion, oil)What is the best skin care product for babies?
I only use avveno my sons skin is very sensitive and nothng else is effectiveWhat is the best skin care product for babies?
i LOVE aquaphor for any dry skin, chapped lips....anything like that. for bathtime, i use johnson or baby magic - i actually like the way baby magic smells better than johnson and johnson. for diaper time, i prefer creamy desitin over balmex, it just has a better consistency and spreads well. hmmmm, anything else? i can't think of it right now. best of luck!
Aveeno is great for dry skin/sensitive skin!

Huggies makes some lotions, shampoo/body wash

Organics lotions are awesome too!
I only used Johnson shampoo. Never anything else, not even lotion.. but I think Aveeno has a great line of products.

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