Monday, June 21, 2010

What does using ice cubes in the morning do for your face: skin care?

In the movie ';Mommie Dearest'; which most of us know ( %26amp; love) Joan Crawford is shown using ice cubes as part of her rigorous skin care regimen. I notice others recommending it too.What does using ice cubes in the morning do for your face: skin care?
I use ice cubes to take the puffiness out from under my eyes. Also, it closes you pores and stimulates your skin.What does using ice cubes in the morning do for your face: skin care?
Two things: after washing your face with warm water to get the pores clean, it will help to close them back down. And it will also help to alleviate puffy tissue around the eyes.
it closes up your poors, it is not recomended until after you clean your skin
The temperature causes the skin to tighten and may tighten pores, also reduce any swelling/ puffiness (under eyes).
Too much heat or cold at one time can damage capillaries, causing red veins on the cheeks, nose, etc.

She is probably trying to tighten the skin and the pores. A masque or a toner will have the same effect except will not do damage to your capillaries.
It is best used after you have properly cleanse your face. It doesn't have to be morning though cos the used of the ice is to close up the pores so it would be much better after you have used a mask or scrub to remove blackheads etc. This will certainly be more effective. Also, it will reduce puffiness (albeit temporarily) and it is also very effective if you put some on your eyes (put some ice in a henky) and slowly roll it over your eyes (especially if you have been crying) it will immediately reduce the puffiness. Hope this helps.

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